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C.A.M.P. Cooperative Arts Movement & Play

On March 1-5, 2017, a game-changing vision will be set into motion: 

Phenomenal passionate people dedicated to practicing the Art of Cooperation (in varied forms) will get together to teach, learn, play, and inspire each other, for 5 days.

Teachers, artists, and leaders, in fields such as: Acroyoga, Baile Latino, Dance, Acoustical Music, Circus, Permaculture, Healing, etc., will organically co-create a shared practice. Experimenting with practical/functional cooperation skills, attitudes, and techniques.
This years' classes will be heavily oriented towards physical movement/activity and Acroyoga.

This annual event will build infrastructure for a permanent training facility for Cooperative Arts, Movement, & Play (Camp C.A.M.P).

Will we change the world beautifully?
We believe so.

Guest Tickets - only 70 total
Teachers - 30+

Ticket pricing:
First 20 tickets -$150
Tickets #21-50 -$200
Last tickets 20 -$250

For more info and reservations:

Earlier Event: March 1
Qigong meets Yoga at Solfeggio
Later Event: March 1
Carlito's Anniversary Party