This coming Wednesday, instead of our scheduled Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong class, Early Childhood Development Consultant and E-RTY 200 Yoga Teacher, Maite Onochie Quintanilla, will be offering a special yoga class with womb blessing. This beautiful offering is in perfect alignment with the Radiant Lotus practice and a special gift!
Class Description Our wombs are a sacred vessel for our creativity, our capacity to give birth and to realise our dreams and full potentiality. However, all too often our womb space also becomes a repository of emotional baggage, trauma, self-limiting beliefs and karmic residue from previous relationships and past lives.
I invite you to slow down, to begin or strengthen a dialogue with your womb and emerge from this practice replenished, and enlivened by connecting to the wisdom of your womb, heart and mind. Let us gather in sisterhood and immerse ourSelves in ritual, in the ways of the Divine Feminine and in the womb of Mama Earth on this month's waning moon.
Women of all ages, whether you have a womb or not, whether you have a moon cycle or not, and/or whether you are advance or a beginner in your yoga practice, let us journey together into connecting with the Sacred vessel of the womb.
Together we will create a safe and supportive environment by communally building an altar to the divine feminine, practice a gentle movement meditation and end by receiving a Womb Energizer to balance your feminine energy. Please bring your mat, an item to add to the altar, and a journal to write any insights or revelations during the practice.
Maite asks that you please arrive 15 mins before class. And as always, please let us know if you intend to attend! Cost: 4,000c