Want to learn about Permaculture as a design tool to create sustainable landscapes for efficiency and abundance for your property? Its more than just growing organic food! This 2-day course run by Travis Britzke from Regenesis 2020 is an exploration into permaculture with a practical approach of creating Edible Forests in Latin America and the Tropics.
To Register please email: sustainibble@gmail Cost 55,000 Col
The camp consists of:
- Brief theoretical and participatory presentations
- Design exercises (personal and team)
- Sharing our understanding and Integration of: Regenerative AgroForestry - "KeyLine" Design - Carbon Cultivation - Analog Forestry - Syntropy - Guilds - BioIntensive Forests etc. ...., Together we are ReCreating Paradise
Saturday 21 April (Macro Level)
9 AM WELCOME under the Mango Tree
Orientation/light vegetarian breakfast snacks
- Quick intro of how and why you got here
- What do you want to learn ?
Permaculture and Social Permaculture Overview
Radical permaculture (according to Bill Mollison)
- Productive Forests vs. Urban Gardens
History of Permanent Agriculture & Before Permaculture
- Key Line or Key Design (Keyline Design) for Water Management
- SALT- Techniques to take advantage of erosion
- Terra Preta or Biocarbon
- The teachings of a leaf
- Imitating the forest (levels and niches)
- Analog Forestry (permaculture zones 4 and 5)
12-1 PM Lunch and Rest
Designing Macro
- Express Site Analysis
- General Zones and their Levels / Guilds
Introduction to the Game of Design
- Personal practice: Design a guild and how to sow it intensively in the first year (Please bring a print-out map of your property if applicable)
Share and Give Feedback to Personal Practices (Guilds)
4 PM Light dinner snacks provided
5 PM Onward: Option to stay, have drinks and practice designing your Manzanita. It is also possible to camp overnight free of charge. All facilities available except for full showers.
Sunday April 22 (Micro Level)
9 AM Light Breakfast and Feedback
10 AM Micro Design
- Understanding your soil
- Selecting the Allies
- Survival Plants
- Recognizing the "weeds"
- Organizing the plants (structure, function, shade, areas, which trees are pruned, etc. ...)
BioIntensive Forests
- Cultivating Compost, Coal, and Intensive Succession
- Propagating Diversity
- Micro friends
12- 1PM Lunch and Rest
Intensive Patterns
Vision 2020 Activity
Design show and tell and feedback
Community Specific Themes:
- Maintaining your forest and sharing the abundance?
- How can edible forests be economically profitable?
- How can we adjust our diets to match with what can grow?
Resources and Create Materials to Share Open Source
Videos, Booklets, Data, Designs
4 PM Closing snacks and Exit
Cost: 55,000col
Food: (House-made with love Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly)
- Light breakfast such as homemade natural energy bars and fruit with Coffee / Tea / House made drinks and Bananas available during the event
- 2 full Lunches from set restaurant menu (Saturday and Sunday)
- Light dinner like veggies with homemade hummus and other delights
- With your own gear under the mango tree or as you like on the property
Please send an email to sustainibble@gmail.com answering the following:
First name:
Where do you live:
Website and / or Facebook (if you have one):
1) Something we need to know about your health? Medications,
Allergies, Limitations or food restrictions?
2) How can this workshop support you in achieving your current goals/mission/purpose?
3) What are you most excited to learn at this camp?
4) What experiences related to Edible Forests have you already lived?
Selected people will be contacted with the payment details.